MIKEY is first to head off followed a wee while later by Matty.
Margaret makes breakfast for Catriona, the kids and I then I tidy up the kitchen while they go to feed the ducks.
I take a walk up the lochside and get back in time to say cheerio to Catriona and the kids then the clean-up job commences! The place is a bomb site.
We’d planned risotto for tonight, but there’s some toppings and dough left from last night’s pizza experience, so we’ll have that instead…I take the dough out the fridge to bring it up to room temperature.
In the studio I set about preparing all buy websites for migration to a new business-focussed server. Long story.
It’s a bit of a drag, but hopefully it’ll save me time drying the week.
Tonight’s pizzas are much better, still gotta work on the stretching and cooking, but I’m getting there…