WE’RE awake early but stay in bed drinking coffee, dealing with emails and social media. It’s midday before we have breakfast!
There’s a few wee tweaks to the t-shirt art for Guru Boutique then I re-do the West Highland Way route art for the new black bar blades. They’re looking good, but I can’t get them online yet as there’s a problem uploading images to the West Highland Way Gifts’ website 🙁
I raise yet another support ticket then move on to fixing my bike. I put on a new stem to raise the handlebars but there’s a tiny gap between the spacers that could do with a shim. After farting about with insulating tape and all sorts it dawns on me to use the laser cutter to make some shims out of some thin acrylic off cuts I have kicking about. They’re perfect.
Of course I need to check the bike’s all set up properly so take it for a spun round the village then go and visit the community garden project in the next village.
It’s time to make the dough balls for tonight’s pizzas – Duncan and Irene are coming and we’re hoping Betty is going to be able to join us.
There’s enough time for me to hi the studio and lay down a vocal track for Loch Lomond (Home) – it needs some more work, but first impressions of the new (to me) mic are good.
I’ve finished all the prep outside when our guests arrive…and Betty is able to join us. We have a grand night in the garden.