I’M up early to get the smoker fired up and the pork butt on for tonight’s dinner.
Catriona and the kids arrive just as we’re finishing breakfast.
I’ve a couple of things to do then pull on my boots and take a walk too the next village for a wee community event at the village hall and garden project. Margaret, Catriona and the kids’ll be along in the car later.
This is the first event like this since lockdown and it’s nice to spend an hour ro two catching up with folks.
Everyone’s home before me and lunch is ready when I get back. We eat then take the kids to feed the ducks.
Back home I start editing some of the video clips from our trip to Belfast…I’ll ‘premier’ the result in the Wildcats’ Facebook group livestream tomorrow (Monday) night.
I’ve made decent progress on the video edit by the time I go back to the house and make some red cabbage slaw, barbecue sauce and peel some potatoes for the chips to go with our pulled pork.