I MANAGE to get most of my routine tasks out the ay before my first Zoom guitar student of the day.
When we’re done I get back on the edit of the Belfast videoblog which takes up the rest of the morning and most of the afternoon.
I’d hoped for a walk, but it’s a bit damp and grey and I still need to get some
Online promo done for tonight’s livestream into my Wildcats Facebook group.
Also, I have the first ‘guest voice’ coming later tonight to record some choruses for my forthcoming Loch Lomond (Home) single and the studio is a mess…and set up for photos, not recording. There’s a bit of tidying up and prep to be done.
I have another Zoom guitar student at 7pm, then set up for the Wildcats’ livestream. As soon as the livestreams done, I grab some dinner and wait for Steven to come and record some choruses. Needless to say, once we’re done we have a few drams…