AFTER breakfast I take a walk to the next village for a coffee morning/meeting at the community garden project.
Killing two birds with one stone as I get both a walk and show some support for the project.
I set up to make some more sample products for the Drymen shops that might want to stock West Highland Way Gifts items then hit the studio to do soimemmore work not he edit and mix of Loch Lomond (Home). I’m pretty pleased with the way it’s shaping up.
Back in the office I do some finishing work on a couple of prototype leather keyrings so they’ll be ready for sewing and edging tomorrow (Sunday).
There’s a couple of other bits and an bobs I get done before heading to Betty’s for dinner. We have a lovely night and although it’s late when we get home we watch When Nirvana Came to Britain on the BBC iPlayer….