FIRST job it to put together a West Highland Way Gifts’ delivery for the local shop, update my stock spreadsheets and get other paperwork done.
I’m doing some video transcripts for my pal Martyn and he sent the first one through the other day. We’ve got plenty time to do them, but I want to get a treat on this one so we know how much time to allow for them and what we’re letting ourselves in for.
I did a similar job last year and transcribed the videos manually using software and a a foot pedal to control playback. It was quite a laborious and time-intensive process. This time, we’re using a website called – a different way of doing things and more of a correctional/checking job than straight transcribing.
After the first hour or so I fond that it’s probably just as time intensive as the previous approach…but maybe not as laborious!
An order has come in for a custom leather bottleneck case so I knock up the design and get it started before heading out for a walk up the lochside. When I get back I find the two engraved and cut raw vases are useless..the leather was marginally thinner than usual and my engraving has gone right through the material in places. Crap. Waste of time and leather. I set up another, lower powered engrave and leave it running while Margaret makes dinner and I do some more video transcripts in the studio.
Of the latest two cases, one is OK – just – and the other is still cut through in places where it shouldn’t be. I dig out some slightly thicker leather and start again, leaving it to process while we have dinner. It turns out perfect!