WE have a lazy morning albeit doing some work-related stuff while sitting up in bed drinking coffee.
There’s some West Highland Way Gifts stuff needing made up to fulfil overnight and morning orders. once it’s all underway I set about designing some mementos/gifts for ‘the voices of the loch’…the folks who kindly contributed their voices to the choruses on the soon-to-be-released Loch Lomond (Home). Can’t say much more as I want it to be nice surprise for them all.
Lunch is mid-afternoon then I hit the studio and spend some time messing with an idea for a Christmas release.
The weather’s not great – but not terrible and I don my waterproof and go for a much-needed walk up the lochside.
Pizza again for dinner tonight as I want to try out something different – white pizza with asparagus, thyme and chestnut mushrooms. The ‘white’ comes from a caramelised onion base layer rather than the usual pasata.
It’s a bit more of a procedure than ‘regular’ pizza, but works out really well 🙂