THE new wood I ordered to make the medals for the local running event arrived so I do some tests.
It’s poplar and my first impression is that it’s quite a lot lighter in weight than the birch I’ve used in the past…and the veneered MDF that wouldn’t cut. It cut easily and engraves nicely though – so I may have to double them up or something so they feel substantial enough.
Matty comes back from his run – he’s invited a pal to come by and they plan on going a walk. I make fried chicken sandwiches for Margaret and I.
In the studio I get back on the animation ideas. This could be pretty time-intensive.
I go back to the office to prototype some Christmas ideas and am busy designing stuff when a car pulls up. We’re not expecting anyone and I don’t recognise it…turns out it’s Catriona’s pal Catherine, her husband, two kids and dog!
They’re just settling in the garden when Matty and Dani – and her dog – get back. I hang out for a while, Dani heads off and I go back to the studio to get on with some work.
By 5pm everyone’s gone their separate ways and I go for a walk up the lochside.
There’s a couple of left-over dough balls that i retrieved form the freezer earlier and half a jar of pesto int he fridge so I make pizza (again!) for dinner…Betty drops in on her way back from visiting Joe in hospital and we have a few glasses of red and good ol’ blether.