WHEN I’ve finished going over an earlier video transcription to check for typos and make some updates I take a look outside. It’s a nice morning.
I have to pick up a prescription in the village and drop off some West Highland Way Gifts’ stock at the village hub – and there’s also a couple of ‘thank you’ keyring to be delivered in that area to some of the ‘voices of the loch’ on the new single.
Although diaried for tomorrow, I decide to get the bike out and go today. Might be raining tomorrow!
My back brake has been squealing for a few weeks now and the pads desperately need replace. But if I’m careful all should be OK.
I’m on an off-road downhill path close to Buchanan Castle when something happens – I don’t know what – and I’m over the handlebars..somehow the bike got tangled up with me in the process and it’s on top of me. Fuck. This hurts.
I can feel bits of chipped tooth in my mouth – my top and bottom lips have some damage, my breeks are ripped and my right knee looks a bit mashed up…and my left hand/thumb is sore. The bike, though, is OK and I gather myself up and slowly and painfully carry on my journey.
When I finally get home I’m hiring a bit. My knee is the most visible of the damage and I set about giving it a clean. Then I wipe everything down with surgical spirit. Ouch!
I took a half-rack of frozen pork ribs out the freezer earlier – they’re defrosted now so I put on a. rub and stick them with some apple juice, water and liquid smoke in the Instant Pot. They’ll be done in 45 minutes or so. Meanwhile I make up some BBQ sauce and get the bike ready for a clean.
After removing the rib meat from the bones I smother the meat in BBQ sauce and glaze it under the grill. makes for a good rib sandwich!
I’m not long finished when the lassie that commissioned me to design/produce the running event medals comes to collect them.
After cleaning and lubing the bike I work out how to remove the rear disc brake pads and order some replacements.
My main website (this one!) is still having problems and needs to be migrated to a new server. I eventually get someone who understands the issue and I;m assured all will get sorted. Meantime the pain’s kinda distracting me from any work and I feel a bit sick so decide to have a sleep for an hour.
I don’t feel much better when I wake up and there’s West Highland Way Gifts’ stock to be made up…plus, I need to get the 21 November gig info online and work out what I;m gonna do for a video for Loch Lomond (Home). Between last week’s spewing episode, a load of other work and today’s ‘accident’ the animation isn’t gonna happen – not in time for the release anyway…