SOME supplies have arrived that need to be used to prototype some Christmas decoration ideas I have.
The basic idea is good, but the prototypes throw up a few problems that need to be addressed which means a bit of to-ing and fro-ing and testing things out. I finally crack it, I think, and make a range of colours and ideas to try out.
Margaret’s in Glasgow so I do a quick ‘stock check’, put together a meal plan for the next week and make a shopping list.
When she gets back the rain here has subsided a bit, but it’s been really bad on the way back from Glasgow and a deep puddle and pothole has ripped back part of the plastic undercarriage of the car which is now dragging along the ground. I have a look in the dark and wet and try, unsuccessfully, to push it back into place.
Margaret’s got an audiologist appointment first thing in the morning so will take it a garage and see if they can fix it.
Betty’s joining us for dinner and I get busy with the jambalaya while she and Margaret blether.