I HIT the ground running this morning so I can clear the decks and free up an hour or two to go paddle boarding.
Fiona comes to pick me up mid-morning and we head out he lochside. It’s a lot calmer on the loch this time and it’s a nice morning.
We spend an hour or so on the water and although I don’t quite manage to stand up (yet!), I get quite close. Need to work on my balance.
Back home we have a coffee then Fiona heads off and we have lunch.
Margaret has her flu and covid booster jabs this afternoon. While she’s away I wash down the paddle board and put it under the smoker shelter to dry.
Next job is putting together a news release for the 21 November show in Glasgow – my first Glasgow gig in two years! I’ll speak to some journos in the morning and fire it out then.
Will comes by to drop off Freya who we’re looking after overnight and tomorrow (Friday). He picks up his leather wrist guards and is delighted with them. Phew!
I need to make a wee promo video to plug the Glasgow show round my socials so film some stuff int eh studio and start an edit before going back to the house, lighting some charcoal and grilling some Vietnamese beef for dinner.