STILL no power. Margaret’s off into Glasgow early…I chop some wood and get the fire on. Could be a long haul.
Luckily we have an old-style phone that plugs in to the BT socket so I’m able to take my phone consultation with the doc – we’re a bit concerned that there might be some underlying problem that’s causing my unexplained vomiting bouts. We’ve always thought it was some kind of food intolerance but three times in the last month has made us reconsider…and none of the previous allergy tests etc have thrown any light on things. I don’t buy the ‘it’s a virus’ reason that I’ve now heard a hundred times.
The doctor agrees and suggests a shit sample to check for gut bacteria, some tablets and a referral for a ‘tummy cam’.
An update from the power folks indicates that it’s gonna be tomorrow (Tuesday) before we’re. I decide to cancel tonight’s livestream into my Wildcats’ Facebook group. My phone has about enough charge left, so I take a wander down to the bay for a decent signal and do a couple of apologetic livestreams and subsequent posts saying ‘normal’ service will be resumed next week.
Back home I put a pan of water on the camp stove for some pasta and just as it’s ready…bam…on comes the power. For ten minutes. This time, though, it comes back on a few minutes later and stays 🙂
I do some more tidying in the office then research generators. Margaret was gonna try and pick something up in Glasgow but now the immediate need has passed it’s better to wait and get the make/model we want rather than settle for the ‘not so good’ models more readily available.
There’s a lot of admin and other work to catch up on and I spend the remainder of the afternoon and evening in front fo the computer….