I’M woken at 7.30am with Freya poking at me…must be time to get up!
After breakfast I get a little work done then we all pile in Catriona’s car and head for Helensburgh. I need to pick up my bike and, although it’s a bit of a stinkin’ day weather-wise, I’ll ride it home as it didn’t fit well on the car bike rack and made for a pretty stressful trip.
The 30-odd kilometre ride home is fun tho’, and it’s nice to be back on the bike.I make it in good time although my feet are freezing! I get the bike cleaned, dried and lubed up just as Will arrives.
We all have a bowl of soup then take the kids to see Santa. They seem singularly unimpressed! Maybe next year…
I make a sumo with Italian sausage then do a little more work while it simmers away and the flavours develop.