THERE’S a lot to get done today between online sessions with some of many guitar students.
Before the first, I head to the village shop to pick up some stuff and check to see if they need to order any more products from West Highland Way Gifts. They do, and will let me know what they need later in the week.
After the first guitar session i get in touch with the folks at Smokehead to see if they want to be involved with a festive livestream concert I’m planning for Thursday 16 December. They come on board which is great..so all systems go and I start pulling together some images and social media content.
I made some pumpkin purée with the leftover half pumpkin form last week’s ravioli with the intention of making a pumpkin, courgette and chilli pizza for lunch. Just a wee experiment 😉
I also make some poolish for another batch of pizza dough.
The lunchtime pizza is a great success despite me trying to cut it up with the guard still on the cutter blade.
After lunch I finalise some of the graphics for the livestream concert then start prep for tonight’s livestream into my Wildcats’ Facebook group.
In the office I check my prototype wood and epoxy earrings. They’ve worked out pretty good, but I’m not sure about the wood finish. Think I’ll try using acrylic tomorrow and see how that works out.
After my final Zoom guitar student of the day I get my Wildcats’ livestream underway…after which Margaret has dinner ready 🙂
Before bed I spend some time putting some more items for sale on the West Highland Way Gifts’ website, set up a Facebook event for the concert livestream and get it submitted to various online listings. Phew!