THERE’S a community lunch at the village hall on Saturday and I’ll have a wee table showing – and hopefully selling – some of my West Highland Way Gifts’ stuff.
That means I need to decide what folks might be interested in and get busy making up a wee range.
Some of the stuff, like leather and anything with epoxy are my priorities as there’s a lot of drying and finishing time…some of the other stuff can be made quite quickly.
Something goes wrong with the first batch of leather keyrings…the engraving is almost right through the leather despite checking all the settings. Seems like this bit of leather is slightly thinner and a different texture from the rest. Back to the drawing board!
In between times I get on worth some other bits and bobs of work.
The afternoon is spent finishing some epoxy earrings I’ve been prototyping and they’ve turned out quite nicely! I particularly like the paddleboard-themed ones and take some pix and put them on sale in the online store.
It’s been pretty stormy all day, but the rain’s gone of a bit and there’s still ½-hour or so of light left so I head out for a walk.
When I get back the water pressure in the kitchen is really poor. I try the toilet…just a trickle of after. Then nothing. Appears there’s a burst water main somewhere locally.
Tonight’s dinner is an experiment. I found a recipe for doing salmon fillets in the air fryer with Bay Seasoning. Looked great so I found some of said seasoning online which was scheduled for delivery today. About 6pm I get a message saying the delivery has been delayed, so i try to improvise. The resulting salmon is OK, but my seasoning is a bit too powerful and I need to find a way of getting the salmon fillets out the air fryer without breaking them up!