I’M up and in the shower early so I can get to the doctor’s in the village first thing — I’m getting bloods taken.
Normally I’d go on the bike, but it’s a horrible wet. Morning and I’m kinda pushed for time. Lots to do today.
Back home I spend a few hours on an album production/release plan online…then something happens on the iPad and I lose the lot. Aaaargh.
I undertake to use a project planner tjen share the output form that…but there’s too much to do meantime. I need to wrap some Christmas presents before Margaret gets back…she’s away getting some propane gas for the pizza oven and picking Lesley up at the station in Stirling.
In the kitchen I finish off making the cranberry rub for the turkey and prepare the dough for tonight’s pizzas. he dough had been frozen and now it’s thawed it needs balled up and put in a tray to sit at room temperature for three or four hours before we make pizza.
The pizzas are good nd we have a grand night…