AFTER a long lie we have breakfast – Matty’s already gone out for a run up Ben Lomond.
I do some work in the studio and look out my old GoPro then hunt for my ‘chesty’ harness so I can take it paddle boarding later.
Fiona rolls up early afternoon and we get everything prepared for our paddle. We’re just leaving when Catriona, Will and the kids arrive.
The water is calm again today and we’re out for a good hour-and-a-half.
Walking back to the house I realise my left foot is really sore. I put it down to my wetsuit feet, but when I get back and in to the shower it looks like I’ve staved my big toe 🙁
Matty gets back, closely followed by Margaret, Catriona, Will and the kids who have been down feeding the ducks. We chat a while then everyone heads off. Matty’s away into Glasgow to stay with a pal tonight…then coming back to us tomorrow.
It’s nice to have the house to ourselves for the first time in what seems to be ages – we chill, make dinner and relax in front of the telly.