WHILE Margaret packs away the Christmas decorations and stuff I start breaking down the old couch that’s been sitting outside since the summer.
I cut back some of the leather and coverings the other day but ran out of time…so today I finish the job with a sledgehammer and a Stanley knife.
When I’m done I put the Christmas stuff back up in the loft…then the hatch comes loose and I crack my head, It takes us a good half hour to re-attach the hatch – and my head….?!?
In the afternoon I have a lengthy but fun Zoom interview with a journalist in the USA then I potter about the studio sorting aa few things out.
It’s Joe’s birthday and Margaret’s made a pavlova…we take a wander along and drop it off, stopping to say a brief ‘happy birthday’. When we get back I pour some epoxy into the chopping boards I prepared in the office, then go back to the studio and make a start rebuilding my online guitar lessons website.