AFTER breakfast I take a wander along to Betty and Joe’s to drop off something for their niece. it’s wet, windy and the loch is rough as hell. Glad I’m not out on the water today!
Back in the studio I run through some of the songs for tonight’s set that I haven’t played in a while the start gathering together the gear. More than slightly out of practice getting stuff ready for a show and I’m sure I’ve left something (or more!) behind…
We’re in Glasgow in good time for load-in at Broadcast and engineer Owen is on hand to help out. The venue’s been changed around during lockdown and it’s for the better…although there is an extremely low girder over the stage!
Turns out I haven’t forgotten anything. Iain (aka The Gator) and his partner Fiona arrive just as I’m about to soundcheck. All goes fine, then Iain soundchecks and we hang out ’til doors.
There’s quite a few ticket holders that aren’t able to come for various reasons but there’s still a good crowd in.
It’s Iain’s first ever solo show and he does great. I have a grand time on stage then hang out for a while before packing up, loading out and heading for home.