THERE’S a lot of work to get through before a session with one of my Zoom guitar students…re-scheduled for today from her usual Wednesday slot as we both have stuff on tomorrow.
I also need to get the studio tidied and cleaned before the guy making a film for Openreach arrives to do an interview and shoot some other footage of me. Openreach has asked me to be part of a promo film extolling the benefits of fibre and how it’s been a game changer for a remotely-based musician.
The cleaning/tidying is almost done before the Zoom session until I knock over a lighting stand and smash a lamp resulting in a zillion fragments of glass all over the live room floor!
I get finished after the Zoom session then go back to the house to get lunch before the film guy arrives…but he’s 20-minutes early which kinda throws everything off kilter a wee bit.
The filming goes well though and we’re done in time for me to get the car packed for tonight’s show in Edinburgh for Edinburgh Blues Club and we hit the road just after 4pm.
My pal Gerry Jablonski and his band are sound checking when we load in at the Voodoo Rooms. We get everything sorted in good time for doors opening at 7pm and I open the show at 7.30pm to a full house.
We have a fantastic evening…and it’s great that so many folks have come along to see me…especially since I was a last-minute stand in – the planned support band had been hit by covid.
An abundance of whisky means I sleep most of the way home…