I SPEND the morning editing the signature bottleneck video into various formats. Regular HD widescreen for YouTube (see above) plus square and vertical versions for various social media channels and usage.
Betty pops in for a coffee then I have lunch followed by a session with a Zoom guitar student.
The Music Cable Company has asked for some promo pix so I set up and take some images then get on with final edits on the Communities Housing Trust film which has been signed off pending the addition of a web address to the final screen.
Once done I make a couple of tweaks to the AirB&B website I’m pulling together for a pal.
We have an early dinner and go to the village hall for a community enterprise project meeting..hen along to see Betty and Joe for a glass of red.
Back home we sit in front of the telly, fall asleep on the couch and wake up about 3.30am!