STILL aching this morning….but lots to get on with.
I’ve a Zoom guitar student at 11am and I need to get some merch orders packed and in the postbox so I don’t miss the last (midday) post from the local postbox. There’s also a load of black/gold packaging and product stickers to be done for Manson Glass.
I’m midway through the post labels when he shop in Drymen calls to see if I have a black West Highland Way flask for a customer…they only have green ones in stock. My supplier has been out off trekking flasks for months but I offer to put the design on another style of black flask. I’ve to meet them at 1pm outside the coffee shop in the village.
Not long after my Zoom session, Betty stops by for a coffee and get some documents copied.
I plug in the electric pump to blow up the paddleboard while I go to meet my flask customer…the pump keeps stopping. Weird, worked fine from Fiona’s car’s lighter socket the other day. I investigate and it looks like the mains adaptor for the lighter plug on the pump isn’t supplying a consistent voltage 🙁
I resort to the manual pump and get the Ooni ready to make a pizza for lunch.
The weather’s good, but I’ve a lot of work to get through and it looks like it might be even better (less wind!) around 5pm.
Two courier vans pull up around 4.30pm. One delivering an ADAT interface to expand the number of inputs on my Universal Audio interface….the other drops off a big box – a beautiful custom cigar box three-string guitar. A gift from one of my Zoom guitar students!
I go out on the loch for a quick paddle to island where I have my coffee then paddle home in time for a Zoom guitar session with Neil…the guy who made and sent the guitar.
Then it’s time for my weekly livestream into my Facebook group – Dave Arcari’s Wildcats. I can’t resist showing off the cigar box guitar 🙂