AFTER breakfast I manage to get a few tasks out the way before my guitar student rolls up.
It’s been a few weeks since her last lesson – she had covid then was working away for two weeks. Good to get back on track 🙂
In the office I get cracking with West Highland Way Gifts’ products for the village shop. Trekking flasks, leather keyrings and fridge magnets.
I take a break and make some ramen with belly pork and kikurage for lunch then get back at it.
Late afternoon Margaret drives me to the village to pick up a prescription. I put some gig posters up on noticeboards en route then walk back home.
There’s some stuff to get done in the studio and I have a photo idea to try out.
Margaret’s making some dinner for us to take along to Betty and joe’s where we have a nice chilled evening 🙂