WOKEN up at 7am by the ’Freya alarm’…despite the chickenpox she’s bouncing about quite happily.
I get a little work done before breakfast then we have bacon rolls and take a wander round the holiday park before driving to Bridgend to visit Auntie Glo and Uncle Cliff.
Catriona, Will and the kids say hello from the front garden then Cliff junior and Eileen take them to a local swing park and we sit with Auntie Glo and Uncle Cliff.
When they get back from the swings they go back to Trecco Bay for lunch. We stay a little longer in Bridgend then have a lovely lunch at the watersports place in Porthcawl.
Back at the holiday park Will’s hired a family-sized pedal cart and they all go off to explore. Once their time with the cart is done, Catriona and Will take Freya to the swings and we take Aaron swimming.
We’ve offered to look after the kids so Catriona and Will can go for a dinner and get a wee break.