THE alarm goes off relatively early as I’m planning to head out for a paddle and have (part of) my breakfast on one of the islands.
I’m out on the water by 8am and although the forecast says it’s not too windy, I feel like I’m battling the wind all the way. At least it should be behind me on the way back!
After landing on the side of Inchcailloch opposite Clairinch I do a couple of quick livestreams, eat my yogurt and granola, drink my coffee then start the paddle back.The wind is indeed at my back, but there’s a weird swell that it like constantly having to deal with a motorboat wake. It’s hard work staying upright and I’m using muscles I didn’t know I had! Ah well, good experience.
After a quick shower I have the rest of my breakfast – scrambled egg on toast – then do a little more prototyping on the Dave Arcari badges before hitting the studio to put another layer of paint on the backdrop. Hopefully that’ll do as I need the thing to be dry so I can free up the studio for tomorrow’s (Thursday) livestream.
After making some arancini for lunch using mushroom risotto left over from last night I get back to work in the studio, stopping late afternoon for a quick walk in the forest.
Will drops by early evening to drop off some paperweights I promised to photograph and use to set up his online shop the we take a pot of chilli along to Betty and Joe’s for dinner.