UNSURPRISINGLY we have a bit of a long lie…then breakfast before we head to the hall to break down the lighting and sound, pack up and give the place a clean.
It takes a good hour or more to get everything done, finishing up with the backdrop which is a struggle to get down and folded. Worth it though, really pleased with the way it worked.
We take a run along to our pal Martyn and Louise’s to drop off an extension reel and stop for a coffee. Martyn’s processing all the video he took last night and asks if I have a hard drive I can drop off later. There’s a terabyte of footage!
Back home we unpack everything and I start trying to get the studio back to normal. While doing so I back up and clear a 1TB drive and, once I’m finished tidying, I drop it off for Martyn.
It’s a beautiful day outside and there’s still some sunshine left. We’re both knackered and after a sandwich I have forty winks in the hammock in the garden.
I make a late dinner of velvetised chicken with mushrooms and we relax before heading to bed before midnight.