OFF into Glasgow early – Margaret drops me in Milngavie and I get the train into the city centre.
I stop for coffee and get some work done and then go to meet my pal Charlie – he’s over from. the ‘states on a European tour and playing in Glasgow tonight.
We catch up for a coffee then go a wander before stopping at Mikaku for some lunchtime ramen. And very good it it too.
Charlie got back to his digs to get ready for tonight’s show and I go to meet Margaret and pick up some stuff I need for tomorrow night’s dinner which Ilm taking to Betty and Joe’s. The main shopping trip is tomorrow, but I need to start cooking before Margaret’ll be home with everything.
We meet Charlie and his tour manager Martin at the venue and have dinner together then enjoy Charlie’s show. A wonderful performance 🙂
There’s few folks we know in the crowd too and it’s nice to catch up before we head for home. A great day and night.