FIRST job on the list today is a custom leather airtag holder for someone in Australia. It’s my second Etsy sale!
After creating the custom artwork I get the engraving and cutting underway then go to tidy up and clean the studio. It’s a mess and Duncan and Irene are popping by this morning so I don’t want it to be a riot in there.
They show up mid-morning and I get a hard drove from Duncan so I can transfer over the video files from our show together a couple of weeks ago. It5’s gonna take a few hours so we go into the village for a coffee and bump into Betty and Joe.
I go back to the house to get on with some work and Duncan’ll come back this afternoon for his drive.
After lunch I dye the airtag – purple, my least favourite dye to use….not because I don’t like the colour but the pigment is so strong it marks anything it touches and it’s a pain to clear out the airbrush.
It’s windy – still way too windy to go out on the loch –but it’s a nice day so after Duncan’s picked up his drive I have a wander up the lochside.
Back home I decide to finish the airtag with saddle soap rather than the usual resolene – it give the leather a much softer feel…but never having put it on dyed leather before I’m not sure how it’ll work out. It might be the dye hasn’t;t had enough time to dry…or maybe it just does;t like saddle soap…but it ends up lifting the colour in places making it look kinda distressed. It might be to some folks’ taste, but it’s not the finish I advertised so I have to start a new one from scratch.
We’re taking dinner along to Betty and Joe tonight and I’m trying my hand at beef bourginon – in the instant pot, of course, so instead of taking four hours to cook, it should be done in an hour or so.
Unlike the airtag, the beef is ready on time and is hailed a great success 🙂