UP just after 6am to try and catch a brief forecast period of calmer, less windy weather on the loch.
When I get to the bay, though, it’s pretty choppy looking. I get half-a-mile or so of relatively smooth water then wind and waves pick up. Rather than battle I kneel down for a bit until I turn the corner at the end of Inchcailloch and the relative calm of Port Bawn where I get back up on feet for the last few hundred metres.
By the time I’ve consumed my fruit, yogurt and granola the water’s starting to look a bit wild and I head out. after 100 metres of so I’m back on my knees amongst the white horses and the paddle back is pretty tough going.
I have a Zoom guitar student when I get back then time to catch up on emails and on other ‘admin’ stuff before lunch. I also need to crack on with a load of fridge magnets for the village shop.
After lunch I check the weather. The Windy app says it should be OK but it’s still windy as fuck. Maybe this evening after my Wildcats’ livestream and dinner….
I manage to get a couple more songs from the Memorial Hall show edited and ready to show in tonight’s livestream then it’s time for my final Zoom guitar student of the day.
The Zoom session is closely followed by the livestream which goes to plan. Margaret;s got dinner ready when I’m done and I take a quick walk to the bay to check the weather. Still windy. Still choppy. I decide to leave the paddling ’til tomorrow and go home to eat dinner….