UP early and organised for the second of six consecutive Friday’s music branding course run by the Academy of Music & Sound…a free place courtesy fo the Musicians’ Union (MU).
It’s an all-day, on-line affair and quite intensive…although the breaks to work on various bit of research and assignments are frequent…and give me a bit of leeway to prepare for our pals coming for pizza tonight.
There’s two further written reports to be done for the course when we close for the day…oneof which I need two do now…and the other before next Friday.
I get so engrossed in it that Margaret calls the studio after 7pm to see when I’ll be back to get the rest of the prep done. Our guests are arriving at 7.30pm! I hadn’t realised the time and go back in a panic.
As it is, all works fine and we enjoy pizzas and drinks outside until the midges force us indoors about 10pm. First midges of the year.
We have Margaret’s pavlova for desert and it and chat and drink ’til the wee hours….