WE all have a bit of a long lie. I get some more online orders for the ‘free plus postage’ and additional merch orders logged on a s spreadsheet so I can work out what other items I need to retrieve from the merch store or – like hats, flasks and leather bracelets – I need to start making.
It’s a lovely day and Matty and I take a walk along to the community lunch in the next village and hang out for a wee while. When we get back Betty’s dropped by to see Margaret and Will and the kids have also rolled up.
I chat in between checking the merch processing then everyone goes their separate ways and we head to Duncan and Irene’s for a cook out.
Duncan’s bought a smoker and is keen for us to try the results of his new found interest.
Tom and Joyce are there when we arrive and we sit outside and enjoy a great spread of grub.