WE sleep in a lot longer than we intended…and not even had breakfast when Betty drops by for a coffee and to buy some of my new West Highland Way glass coasters.
I hit the studio and get some work done and try and catch up a little on my ‘homework’ for the music branding course, It’s the penultimate Friday tomorrow, so keen to try and stay on top of the assignments and stuff.
While I take a break and put some glass coasters in the West Highland Way Gifts online store along with my leather paddleboaders patches…and some Dave Arcari glass coasters in my own online store I get a message form Fiona. The loch’s looking. pretty calm so do I wanna go for a paddle. Yup!
I hastily finish off the bits and bobs of work then get ready. We have a grand paddle out and round some of the islands and spot a couple of ospreys. Magnificent. Hope we didn’t;t disturb them too much as we paddled past.
We’re back soon after 6pm and Fiona comes in for a glass of wine. We’ve been drinking for a couple of hours when Steven, Fiona’s husband, rocks up and we carry one. Margaret rustles up an impromptu dinner and we have an unplanned but grand evening 🙂