THERE’S a load of stuff to be finished off for the music branding course – last day is tomorrow!
I’m glad I decided to promote the forthcoming Wanted (Dead or Alive) release as it’s giving me a real-life project to use to complete my course materials. As a result I’m putting a wee bit more thought and planning into the release…albeit at short notice.
Before I start, though, I have my regular Thursday morning guitar student coming.
I realise I don’t really have any up to date promo photos…and none with a regular acoustic guitar which I need for this single seeing as that’s the featured instrument. I set up some selfies in the studio and quite like the results.
After a quick lunch I have a Zoom session with another guitar student.
The final assignment in the branding course requires a portfolio of promotional items and although I wouldn’t usually put my news release together for another week or so it’s good to get it done now so I can use it as course materials too.
We’re (actually this time it’s Margaret) making dinner for Betty and Joe and their pals (another) Dave and Margaret…it’s best for me ti stay out the way and not get under Margaret’s feet in the kitchen so I go for a walk once my coursework is all up to date.
While I’m out a courier delivers a fruit cage I ordered online a few days ago. We don’t really have the money for it but I’m sick of having to knock up temporary DIY frames and untangle the old netting to protect the blueberry bushes from the birds.
We have a good night with our pals and everyone enjoys Margaret’s blinis, flambé chicken and peach tart 🙂