I’M not long up when I get a ‘consultation’ call from the doc…well, not the the doc – a ‘nurse practitioner’ – as arranged the other day.
They’re very good and it’s handy not having to trek down to the village. I send off some photos to help explain my problem and they say they’ll call back later on. Meantime, i have a Zoom guitar student.
Once the session is done I set up a corner of the live room in the studio as a wee songwriting space. This usually helps me focus and avoid distraction…and it’s quite conducive to creativity. I hope.
I spend an hour or two developing an idea and it seems to progress reasonably well.
Matty’s staying, but even by mid-afternoon there’s no sign of him..he’s been holed up in the spare room.
The nurse calls me back with some info and a prescription which I’ll cycle down and pick up tomorrow (Tuesday).
Preparing for my Wildcats’ livestream later I realise i haven’t posted to TikTok in over a week, so. do a quick video post then do some work on content for the livestream.
Willie comes to ‘drill’ a hole for the doorpost on the fruit cage then I try out some cheap pens from Amazon for engraving. They don’t fare too well but I suspect that may be down to me rather than the pens. I’ll get back into it tomorrow…but the laser’s gonna need a good clean and maintenance session first.
Suddenly it’s time for another Zoom guitar session with one of my weekly students and then it’s almost straight into the livestream…