MY USUAL Thursday morning guitar student is coming an hour earlier today, so I need to be up and on the ball.
Once done I hit the studio and get on with some work on a new song idea. the sun’s shining, tho’ – so I decamp to the garden to continue…then Betty drops by for a coffee and some help with an mobile phone issue.
After some chicken ramen for lunch I prepare for a Zoom student, only to find the don’t show up. I send her a message.
There’s a meeting about the new hydro scheme – a community benefit project – so i walk along to the next village and up to the farm where a bunch of us visit the turbine/generator house and walk the length of the pipeline to the top of the hill.
There, we check out the water inlet and construction. All very interesting – and good to get a walk and catch up with folks. Fifteen kilometres walk later I’m back home and get a little more work done before we go to another meeting about the scheme in the village hall. Watch this space!