I WAKE up feeling pretty crap – gaughles, all blocked up, cough and aching all over – and do a covid test. Positive. FFS!
After a shower and breakfast I feel a little better. Margaret does a test and she’s negative. Interesting.
Will drops the kids off – we’re looking after them so Catriona and Will can have a night out to themselves. I try and get on with some work but it’s slow progress. I don’t feel so terrible I can’t do anything, but everything;s a bit laborious.
I make a batch of pizza dough – a different recipe I’m trying out – for tomorrow (Sunday). Despite the covid I still have taste, smell and, if anything, even hungrier than usual!
In the studio I work on the existing new song idea and come up with something else for the three-string. I notice the three-string is getting worn where my finger picks hit the body, so once I finish recording some ideas I hit the office and design and cut a clear acrylic scratchplate.
I take a short walk before dinner. Not very far but it takes me an hour and to use the word ‘amble’ is probably over-estimating my speed!