MAIN job today is to revisit one of the new songs we listened to on the way to Inverness. Margaret wasn’t sold on some of the lyrics and I felt I was ‘singing the changes’ on the chords.
I spend some time trying to knock the song into better shape then take a break to make some watermelon sorbet! There’s half a watermelon in the outside fridge that got frozen – rather than chuck it out I thought I’d give the sorbet a try.
It’s very simple and by the time my Kabuto noodle pot (vegetable laksa if you must know!) the mixture has finished churning in the ice cream maker and is looking good. I transfer it to a tub and stick in the freezer.
Back in the studio I record an new demo of the tweaked song and try to move some of the other ideas along…I need to get onto recording them properly ASAP.
I play Margaret the latest demo and we both agree it’s better. Still needs a bit of work, but at least it’s headed in the right direction and stayed out the bin! We have some of the watermelon sorbet…it;s pretty good!
The day has gone by the time I emerge from the studio so there’s only time for a short walk before I light the pizza oven…