NO LONG lies when the kids are here! Freya and Aaron come into our room around 7.30am and jump all over us….
Margaret gets up and sorts them some breakfast…Mikey can’t handle it and takes a fuck-off pill and the rest of us slowly come to and gather round the table for breakfast once the kids ahve been fed and are playign outside.
We take the kids a walk along to the old pier and on to Manse bay where they play at the water’s edge, jumping over waves and having fun.
Back home, Margaret’s got mac’n’cheese ready for the kids and soup and bread for the rest of us.
Matty and Les head off…Matty’ll drop Les off in Stirling for the train back to Edinburgh – then Catriona, Will and kids hit the road.
I make a batch of green curry paste and then some ‘quick’pizza dough for tonight then start trying to build some kind of trellis for the butternut squash plants. The midges get the better of us before we finish tho’.