OOOFFFT…carrying on from last night…been sick constantly. Not in great shape.
Margaret calls Duncan and Irene to apologise that we won’t be able to join them this evening..really disappointed as it looked to be a grand evening and we’d been looking forward to it.
Glad I took my flower show entries along last night as I’m in no fit state to do anything this morning. The judging is done before the official opening at 2pm and Margaret goes along.
I’m now ‘only’ being sick every 45-60 minutes and managing to doze a little between bouts. Margaret comes back with the news that i won first prize in both categories I entered…but I’m not really very lucid and for the time being couldn’t care less.
By 9pm I’ve not been sick for nearly two hours, but have a temperature and feeling terrible. A rehydration drink and two paracetamol help a little and I drift off to sleep soon after…