I WAKE up around 9am after a good night’s sleep and feel a lot better. Not 100% but a hell of a lot better.
We have a long lie and I try and tackle some of the outstanding emails and stuff that I missed out yesterday then we get up and have a light brunch. Don’t wanna push things!
Betty has ordered us a load of firewood which arrives – I’m not in any condition to shift/stack it today so I cover it with a tarpaulin and will hopefully tackle it in the next day or so.
In the studio I start the paperwork and registration for the tracks on the new album while Margaret tries to finalise all the ticket deals and stuff for the November shows.
We don’t want a late night and I light some charcoal and grill some burgers…and then it happens again. Spewfest number two 🙁
I’m getting quite distressed and we’re concerned that I’m having a second bout of this right on the back of Friday/Saturday’s episode. Margaret calls NHS24 around 10.30pm and is told a doctor will be with us within a couple of hours.
I’m spewing every fifteen minutes and am getting a bit delirious by the time Margaret comes to bed at 2.30am having given up trying to stay up for the doc….