FIRST job is to finish editing the sourdough bread-making video, I really made it for Catriona, but it’s good social media content.
I leave some time after posting it so I don’t incur the wrath of the Facebook algorithm by posting to often…I have a teaser video for (Looks like you’re) Walkin’ on Water to go out later.
Meantime, I create a Facebook event for the album release…not a ‘real life’ release, but just something that I can post in and link to without having to use links external to Facebook.
After a midday session with a Zoom guitar student I sort some lunch then start posting the teaser video…and posting the pre-save (and win a tour shirt) and CD pre-order links. Then I share the info to my email list and Bandsintown followers. Gets an almost instant reaction 🙂
Early evening I have a Spotify webinar then get back to the house to quickly help Maggi with the Facebook page and chat through some Christmas merch she’s after before Lynne arrives for a meeting with her and Margaret. I get busy in the office.
It’s after 10pm when the meeting closes and nearly 11pm by the time I have dinner ready…