A BUSY day ahead so I get straight onto the PR for the album launch tour…I have a long chat with the music/entertainment journalist at the Inverness Courier who seems keen to do a wee feature…she’ll call me on Thursday for another chat.
I also speak the the Press & Journal about the ABerdeen show. The pressures on for the Glasgow gig tho’!!
I set some glass coasters engraving for one of Betty’s pals then I make up some sandwiches, drop the coasters off at Betty’s then head for the midday bus to Balloch. I have a meeting at a school where the staff are keen to get me in to do some music work with the kids.
There’s a fair walk to find the school then I have a productive and interesting meeting before getting a lift back to Drymen…I’ve to get my covid booster and flu jabs.
The rain stays off for most off my walk home and I stop along the way to grab some phone pix of a helicopter taking big bags of stone up the Conic for path repairs.
Back home I hit the office and do some more PR/promo work then back to the house…Margaret’s made paella 🙂