FIONA and I had planned to go paddleboarding early doors but the visibility on the loch is only a few feet. Hopefully thew mist’ll have cleared a bit by early afternoon.
I have some online orders to fulfil and some merch to make up to replenish stocks for the merch table in Edinburgh tomorrow (Wednesday).
Next up, a Zoom guitar lesson re-schedueld from yesterday then a trip to the post box. I drop into the village shop on the way back to see if they need any West Highland Way Gifts’ stock.
Fiona rocks up after lunch and we head out on the loch for a couple of hours’ paddle. It’s cold but very calm and magical. I grab a load of video footage which I plan to edit into a video for (Looks like you’re) Walkin’ on Water.
After a shower I get back into the office and work on some more merch then Margaret comes home with the shopping. I get all the gear ready and car packed for an early getaway in the morning then make carnitas….