INTO GLASGOW early to drop Margaret off and take the car to the garage for the second ‘half’ of its service. Apparently it’s going to ‘take the best part of the day’.
I pull on my bonnet and wander into town for breakfast at McDonalds where I also manage to get a couple of hours’ work done.
Next stop is the bank, then the Apple Store for a new watch band. The cheapo third party leather band I got a few weeks ago isn’t very secure. I bag a ‘trail loop’ intended for the ‘ultra’ watch but fits mine fine. Very comfy and secure. Shoulda gone straight for this when the leather one started to burst.
There’s a few bits of Christmas shopping to do then half-price bowl of ramen at Mikaku…bargain!
Margaret meets me in town then we go to pick up the car, drop off a Christmas present then onto Blackfriars for a Musicians’ Union social event….