AN extremely weird night…ward noises, other folks random calling out and various machines going ding-dong non-stop.
I’m pretty good at sleeping through stuff though…until someone wakes me to take more blood at about 7am
Breakfast somehow passes me by – I’m not meant to have any solids anyway – and then when the doctor and a bunch of apprentices stop by I’m told I can cautiously start solids today IF I feel like it.
Deffo not getting home today…slight chance tomorrow. I message Margaret and ask if she can bring some fruit and yogurt. Having only had a bacon roll on Sunday morning – and a little soup and wee tub of ice cream last night – I reckon my body needs some nutrition/vitamins.
I do get some lunch tho’, and forego the sandwich (might tackle that tomorrow) in favour of a little soup and some more ice cream.
Margaret rocks up with some clean boxers, t-shirts and socks….so as soon as the nurse comes to change my drops I negotiate a release for enough time to get a much-needed shower.
She’s also brought fruit and yogurt which all helps me feel a little more normal.
Dinner is vegetable goulash and ice cream – all sloppy enough to be low-risk consumption. Margaret heads home after I’ve eaten – and another jag in the stomach – and I settle down for an evening of lucozade and crap telly interspersed with patchy wifi/social media.
Sometime around 9pm I’m told I’m being moved to another ward. I try and get my shit together and am deposited in another ward between two guys who were in the previous one….’oxygen man’ with the bleeping machines on one side and a nice guy who keeps pulling his catheter out on the other. Gonna be interesting! The guy opposite’s been in for nearly a month and recuperating from an op….and another, curtained off, who’s in a particularly bad way.
An hour later I’m on the move again! It’s nearly midnight when I arrive at my final destination….a single room and really nice nurses/staff. Might get a good sleep after all!!
We’ll see what tomorrow brings….