UP at 7am to get the oven on and the super sour wholemeal loaf ready. the dough’s a bit sticky, but hopefully it’ll turn out alright.
It does turn out OK. Brilliant, in fact 🙂
There’s a lot of clearing up to be done outside…and all the music stuff needs to go back to the studio before my first zoom guitar student at 11am.
Dave Bayfield drops by to pick up his guitar and stuff, we have a coffee, then I have my guitar session.
After I’ve got the gear and studio sorted I go back to the house for lunch then get to work on the garden. Lots of chairs, seats and tables to be put away, some rubbish to go in the bin….then I need to decide what to do with the gazebos.
They can’t go down completely or be put away ‘cos they’re wet…and, indeed, it’s still raining. Pouring. I semi-co.lapse the. And take the cover off the big ‘manual’ shelter in case it gets windy.
Back in the studio I prepare for tonight’s Wildcats’ livestream…OBS and stream deck software all needs configured on the new Mac Mini and I need to edit the timelapse video of the garden concert setup to use in the livestream.
Another Zoom guitar student then the livestream….in between times I manage to get thank you notes out to everyone that sent tips/donations via PayPal.
Margaret’s got dinner ready when I get back to the house just after 9pm….then a little more work and an early-ish night.