UP EARLY into Glasgow. I drop Margaret of then take the car to the garage in Maryhill for it’s MoT.
It’s a stinking wet day and I wander into the city centre and find somewhere for coffee and wifi. Amongst the morning’s tasks I need to try and get to the bottom of the ‘infection; on the server affecting all any websites so spend an inordinate amount of time on that.
There’s an unspent £50 GuitarGuitar gift card that I’ve had for ages…and nothing I really need or want without going into the £1000+ range but I have a hankering for a wee headphone amp and the Fender Mustang Micro fits the bill. I take a walk down to Trongate and pick one up 🙂
I’m soaked through and miserable so decide to head back to John Lewis where I grab a toast, muffin and coffee for lunch and spin it out until the garage calls to say the car’s ready and Margaret’s on her way into town. She picks up the car – another £400 taking our car maintenance spend to nearly £1000 in the last four weeks. Ouch.
We pick up some shopping and head for home.
After dinner we nip along to see Betty for a wee while then home for a nightcap and some telly.