WE’RE up at a reasonable time and have breakfast then I head to the studio.
Although my plan is to do a ‘proper’ recording of the alternative version of Loch Lomond (Home) there’s a load more web server stuff to be done which takes much longer than I expect.
Mid-afternoon Matty emerges from the spare room and goes out for a run.
We’ve been having problems with our hot water and our pal David rocks up to check out what’s going on. Looks like it’s a valve…I order a replacement from Screwfix and Margaret drives to Dumbarton to pick it up. We’ll get it fitted tomorrow.
In the kitchen I ball up the pizza dough and put it in a tray for later tonight then make up some wholemeal sourdough, replenish and feed the starter and hit the studio.
I spot a message from Betty and nip along to see her..then back home and into the studio where I start setting up to record. I get a version of the song down, but it’s not great…then it’s time to go back to the house and start prepping for pizzas…