AFTER breakfast I get the paddleboard inflated and make up a meal plan – and shopping list – for the coming week to send to Margaret.
I get a little more work done in the studio by the time David rolls up and we head out for a couple of hours’ paddle on the loch.
It’s kinda grey and spookily misty but the water is pretty flat most of the way.
Back home we have a coffee, David heads off and I have a quick lunch before getting back to the studio.
I wanna cut some of the instrumental intro on the new version of Loch Lomond (Home)..and there’s a few rogue transient spikes that need sorted. No idea where they came from but they’re pegging the meters and annoying me!
There’s some green screen video to be shot in the studio to add to the stuff I put together yesterday. Suddenly it’s after 8pm and Margaret’s making dinner so I shut up shop and head to the house,..