A LITTLE better again today, but still not great.
In the office I put finishing coat on the leather key fobs and cut some ‘stuffing’ so Margaret can sew them later. Then I’ll need to edge them and add the rings.
I need some images for social media and to go out with news releases about the blues awards…I wanna build on the ‘flying the flag for Scotland’ idea and bought a wee cheap saltire flag from Amazon. Problem is we don’t have time to go out to a decent location and set ups flashes etc…plus it’s wet and horrible.
I get things set up in the studio – green screen, lighting, a fan to blow the flag… – and then get Margaret across to ‘push the shutter button’. It’s not working tho’, not least because we don’t have the space for the shot I have in mind.
We take some outside the studio then I’m out of time and have to head to school in Balloch where I have a couple of hours with some of the students.
I’m back home later afternoon and head straight into the studio to see what I can do with the pix from this morning. They’re not great, but I choose one of the outside ones, do a manual cutout then hunt down a suitable background.
The resulting image is passable and I make up some graphics for my socials and a landing page on my website.
After an early dinner we head to the village hall for a quiz night where we have a grand evening.